"Sometimes we fall for a guy who is so different from us, the relationship would never work out. If you have to have him, try changing up your look. Easier said than done, I know, but I'm sure you can find some sketchy person to help you. Trade that voice and those fins for some legs and presto, you'll find the man you always knew you needed since three days ago." - Ariel "Honey, don't hop around looking for something to fulfill you, or trying to make your daddy proud. When you find that special someone, you both have to be willing to change... And you might have to kiss a frog or two before you find your prince." - Tiana "Why would I want or need a husband? I've seen the men in my kingdom, they're a lot of dunderheids." - Merida "If someone hurts your family, don't assume they're a monster. Give them a chance. If they love books and fight wolves, how bad can they be?" - Belle "I was tired of looking arou...
Sometimes, I really struggle to stay neutral instead of freaking out about the little inconveniences in life. I think the lifelong battle with depression has something to do with that, but the point is that I tend to see the crummy circumstances rather than the silver lining. However, my oldest is almost the total opposite of me in this area. She manages to find the good in so many things. She has a condition that causes tumors and though it's been hard, she takes it in stride. I remember that, when she was really little, I was trying to prepare her for the MRI. The conversation went something like this: "Remember, you're going to be poked in the arm and have to drink that really yucky drink. And you can't eat or drink the night before so you're gonna be really hungry and thirsty." "OK, Mommy. But can I ask you something?" (Holding back tears as I think of how hard MRI days are) "Go ahead, sweetie." "Is that the place that ha...